Ama Deus Shamanic Healing

Learn the healing of the ancient Guaranis



 Ama Deus, which means I love God, is a 6,000 year old system used by the Guarani tribe living deep in the Amazon jungle of central Brazil.

First brought to the West by Alberto Aguas, a third-generation Brazilian healer, Ama Deus is based on the practices of the Guarani shamans. The system combines God's love with a series of ancient multi-dimensional symbols, which act as vehicles for the energy transmission. The beauty of Ama Deus Shamanic Healing is in the way it connects the practitioner to the All/The God Source regardless of religious or spiritual background.  The Universal Source flows through the symbols from practitioner to recipient, in a gentle but powerful stream of spiritual energy.

Users of Ama Deus report deep soul growth and cleansing, in addition to a higher awareness of All that There Is. This is truly a system that helps advance the seeker to Universal Conscious/Christ Consciousness by creating that personalized connection to the Source, infusing one with the blissful love where Ama Deus- I Love God earned its name.  You will receive 2 attunements, an emailed manual, and an Ama Deus Shamanic Healing Master certificate upon completion.

This course counts towards our Certified Metaphysical Practitioner Program which is provided at no additional course after successfully completing any five courses with the World Metaphysical Academy. As this course is cross listed here from our sister site, Reiki Rays Institute, you may also use this as one course completion towards the RRI Holistic Health Practitioner Program.

Our graduates are also automatically approved for metaphysical accreditation with the World Metaphysical Association at a reduced rate. Further information will be provided upon completion of your course. Once complete with your attunement process, you will be mailed your certification as an Ama Deus Shamanic Healer.

Tuition for Ama Deus is $77 USD

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