Akashic Records Reading Master Course

Learn to Access the Scrolls of Life



The Akashic Records, sometimes known as the Book of Life or Scrolls of All There Is, contain the information of past-present-future of a soul's spiritual path and reincarnation information.

Many believe that it is vital to learn and understand the information these scrolls contain to help accelerate their spiritual progress.

This course helps you learn how to access the information in the scrolls by working with meditation, creative visualization, and prayer to connect to Achangel Michael and Lord Akasha, the protectors and keepers of the records.

This course includes an optional attunement that energetically helps connect you to Lord Akasha ( Or Archangel Michael if you prefer) as a way to enhance and deepen your abiity to work with the Akashic records.

This course counts towards our Certified Metaphysical Practitioner Program which is provided at no additional course after successfully completing any five courses with the World Metaphysical Academy. 

Our graduates are also automatically approved for metaphysical accreditation with the World Metaphysical Association at a reduced rate. Further information will be provided upon completion of your course.

Tuition for our Certified Akashic Records Reader Program is $60 USD

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