Dream Interpretation Course


Dream Interpretation Course


Unlocking the symbol nature of your dreams is something anyone can do and all of us should work to master.

Our course in dream interpretation empowers you to better take control of your life by explaining:

The History of Dream Interpretation

The Cycles of Sleep

The Work of Carl Jung and Dreams

How to Recall Dreams

Making a Dream Journal

Interpreting your own Dreams

Common Dream Themes


Lucid Dreaming

Understanding Nightmares

Recurring Dreams

Prophetic Dreams

Healing Dreams

Epic Dreams

Course includes emailed textbook sent to you within 24 hours of enrolling, and requires homework assignments and a final exam for completion.  

Upon graduation, the Academy will mail a signed certificate, suitable for framing. This will empower you to teach, perform sessions, or conduct workshops both online and in your local community. The average rate of a dream intrepretation session ranges from $25-$125 per session, depending on the length per session. For those whose goal is to do professional dream inrepretation, nvesting in this course is all that you need to be ready to begin.

This course counts towards our Certified Metaphysical Practitioner Program which is provided at no additional course after successfully completing any five courses with the World Metaphysical Academy. 

Our graduates are also automatically approved for metaphysical accreditation with the World Metaphysical Association at a reduced rate. Further information will be provided upon completion of your course.

Tuition for the Certified Dream Interpreter Program is $75 USD

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